This plugin backs up before deleting posts.
When you click “Delete Permanently” WordPress will create an XML file to save to your server computer.
The XML file is stored in “wp-content/deleted_posts” on your wordpress.
The XML file is stored in the site-id if your wordpress is multi sites.
The XML file is stored with a format same as Export on WordPress.
If you want to restore the post, you can use Import on WordPress.
Supporting post-types are “post”, “page” and “custom post”.
But “attachment” is unsupported.
— Attention —
We warn users of version 0.1.x.
Version 0.1.x has an error at the time of the installation.
After having deleted version 0.1 or 0.1.1, please install you again.
= Why do we need this? =
Because administrators or editors are not you only.
The WordPress has many administrators and editors if it is wordpress of the multi-site.
Every administrators and editors can delete posts and pages.
Other administrators or editors may delete post or the page before you know it.
After it was deleted, you cannot restore it.
Everybody wants to delete it.
== Changelog ==
- = 0.1 (2014.12.01) =
- first version.
- = 0.1.1 (2014.12.02) =
- Bug Fix.
- = 0.2 (2014.12.03) = current
- We changed plugin-file-name from “asm-B4DelPosts” to “before-deleting-the-posts”.
- Because there was an installation error “The plugin does not have a valid header.”.
post-typeは「post」、「page」そして「custom post」に対応します。
— 注意 —
バージョン 0.1.x をお使いの方へ
バージョン 0.1.x にはインストール時にエラーが発生します。
バージョン 0.1 または 0.1.1 を削除した後、再インストールしてください。
= なぜこのプラグインが必要なのか? =
なぜなら 管理者 または 編集者 はあなただけではないからです。
== 変更履歴 ==
- = 0.1 (2014.12.01) =
- 最初のバージョン
- = 0.1.1 (2014.12.02) =
- バグフィックス
- = 0.2 (2014.12.03) = 最新
- プラグインのファイル名を「asm-B4DelPosts」から「before-deleting-the-posts」に変更した。
- インストール時エラー 「このプラグインには有効なヘッダーがありません。」が発生するため。